Monday, October 7, 2013

3 months

At three months you:
- Are still really interested in fans.
- Starting to really smile and squeal on occasion
- Had a really big growth spurt. (Grandma Kay went 2 weeks without seeing you and couldn't believe how big you had gotten.)
- At the end of August you weighed 10lbs 5oz
-You had a couple days where you were really fussy and refused to eat much. We took you to the clinic to see if your ears hurt. Everything looks good, but she might be teething.
- You're beginning to drool like crazy. (Drool bucket)
- If you can get your fist to your mouth you'll chew on it. Even though it seems you have a small mouth, we're pretty sure you could fit your whole fist in it.
- You had your first big Reimer gathering. Even though you were 2.5 months old, everybody couldn't get over how small you were.
- You rubbed off all of your hair because you're more active. You're sporting an old man hair ring around the back of your head.
 - We had to adjust your car seat straps up a notch because you are so tall.
- Still wearing newborn clothes. The clothes you have grown out of are because you have gotten too long.
- Helped daddy usher at church. Good thing you didn't start crying. Everybody thought that was pretty neat.
- Celebrated dad's 30th birthday.
- Went to Grand Lake, OK. Longest trip yet. You did great. However, mom and dad didn't think it would be smart for you to get near the water. (Your life jacket that might have worked got stolen from the dock.)
-You're becoming more independent.
- Taking better naps by yourself. (Yay for your swing.)
- You will lay under your playmat for a good chunk of time.
- You're on a four hour feeding schedule. Still sleeping from about 11:30 to 6:30.
- Had blowouts three days in a row. Straight up your back. Grandpa Kenneth, Great Grandma Barbara and mom were on the receiving end of them.
- If we wrap you up and give you your pacifier you know it's time to go to sleep. (Thank you for being a relatively easy baby!)
- Got your first set of shots. (Showed an allergic reaction to the Band-Aid) Screamed for a minute of so and then you were fine.
- Finally filling out your skin. No more bird legs.

 No hands!

 Cousin nap time. :)

 Poor baby got her first round of shots. 3 bandaids. Good thing aunt Allissa was there to cheer her up!
 The shots made her pretty sleepy for a couple days.

 Sometimes you're so tired that you'll fall asleep on the floor before we get you in to your swing or crib. On this particular day, mom took a nap beside you.

 Still so tiny!

P.S.- This is being posted 2 days after you turned 4 months. Sorry baby girl! We will try to be more prompt from here on out. We don't want to miss anything!!


  1. She is adorable! Looks like she is getting lots of love and she looks so attentive/alert when she is awake! Growing up quickly!

  2. Thanks Val! You nailed it on being alert. :) She ALWAYS needs to know what's going on.
